We serve 100% authentic cuisine from North-east China.
An ideal place for numerous homesick stomachs and those who prefer real and true Chinese taste.

Our Specialties
Stewed Chicken with Wild Mushroom
据传,外表无华的炖菜是皇帝的主要饮食。在乾隆、光绪、宣统,还有慈禧的御膳单子上都有“口蘑肥鸡”这道菜,它就是小鸡炖蘑菇。 有一说,在东北炖菜排行榜中,始终高居榜首的就是小鸡炖蘑菇。早年沈阳,小鸡炖蘑菇可是年三十儿的主菜,也是招待来宾的招牌菜。曾有句老话说:“姑爷进门,小鸡断魂。”就是说新姑爷陪媳妇回娘家,老丈人家一定做小鸡炖蘑菇。 小鸡炖蘑菇有一个来历:说是来源于东北的一句俗话“姑爷领进门,小鸡吓掉魂”的说法。就是说新婚的女儿携丈夫回门时,娘家基本都是以小鸡炖蘑菇招待,因此,新姑爷进了丈母娘家的大门,小鸡就知道自己的末日到了,就要被与蘑菇炖在一起,作为美味奉献给新姑爷了,就这还不得吓掉魂吗?也意为此菜是黑龙江招待尊贵客人的一道佳肴。炖鸡的蘑菇是用野生的榛蘑,细杆小薄伞的那种,越炖越香,榛蘑因为长在榛树下而得名,用榛蘑可以最大程度衬托出鸡肉的鲜香。
Tossed Sweet Potato Vermicelli in Sesame Sauce

Double Cooked Sweet and Sour Pork Slices
清朝,旗人郑兴文6岁随父来到北京,渐渐对厨艺产生了兴趣,后拜淮阳菜传人陈才保(音)门下。 1907年,郑兴文到哈尔滨滨江道衙门,当上官厨,给道台杜学瀛料理膳食。道台府里经常会宴请国外宾客,尤其是俄罗斯客人。由于外国人喜欢吃甜酸口味。杜学瀛就命府内厨师变换菜肴口味。郑兴文就把原来咸鲜口味的“焦烧肉条”改成了酸甜口味的菜肴,这一改使哈尔滨成为锅包肉的起源地。 这道菜让俄罗斯客人非常喜欢,每次吃饭都要点这道菜。由于用急火快炒,把铁锅烧热,把汁淋到锅里,浸透到肉里,所以起名叫“锅爆肉”。俄罗斯人发“爆”音为包,时间一长,“锅爆肉”就演变成为“锅包肉”。 西安事变以前,东三省归属张氏家族管辖,很多道台府里的菜,都属于禁菜、私菜。日本侵占黑龙江以后,一些民间工艺、美食菜谱逐渐外流,锅包肉也开始在哈尔滨以及外部流传。
Boiled Pork Slices in Sauerkraut
Northeast Chinese Cuisine
Northeastern Chinese cuisine is one of the four major cuisines in China. While many dishes originated from Manchu cuisine, it is also heavily influenced by the cuisines of Russia, Beijing, Mongolia, and Shandong. It partially relies on preserved foods and large portions due to the region's harsh winters and relatively short growing seasons.
As part of Lu cuisine, this is the oldest Chinese culinary tradition originated from Qin Dynasty royals since 200BC and refined through the ages. The food of old imperial courts, considered the most difficult to master even today.
Simmering, braising and sautéing are ubiquitous cooking techniques used in the Northeast, producing many of the region's signatures dishes.
A strong flavour is very important for Northerners, who achieve this with salt and strong seasonings, compared with the South where chilies and pickles are more used, or dishes are lighter in flavour. Generally, northern dishes are richer in meat, and make liberal use of garlic and scallions.
The most popular seasonings used are soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, scallions, ginger, leeks, star anise, sweet bean sauces, chili peppers, and sesame oil. Northern chefs skilfully make use of seasonings to add richness to its dishes without covering up the natural flavour of the ingredients.
东北菜是指在东北,包括黑龙江、吉林、辽宁 、河北东北部(秦皇岛市为主)、内蒙古东部的烹饪菜系,东北菜的特点是量大,用料广泛。以火候足而滋味浓郁的各式炖菜闻名。